About Us


Our company was founded in 1977 with the objective of greatly increasing the implementation of modern methods of steel-composite construction in the erection of buildings and bridges.


So began the introduction to first advertising material of our company. However, this objective is currently more relevant than ever, as, due to the development of the load-bearing capacities of concrete, competition in the area of solid construction has grown significantly.

Since composite building construction is the combination of massive construction and constructional steelwork, it will be very exciting to discover where market developments will lead us.


However, we do not want to be led, but rather to actively shape these developments.


Innovative ideas and their implementation in high-performance products continue to shape the self-image of our company. We also continue to be characterized by the trustful cooperation with our business partners, on the subcontractor side as well as on the planner and client side, which has led to a culture of appreciation across the board.


spannverbund GmbH is a mid-tier, family-owned company in its second generation, with a focus on long-term goals and collaborations. Only someone who knows his capabilities exactly can execute peak performances, as were required in the demands of the concurrent construction of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the new ECB premises in Frankfurt. We stand out through our execution of complicated engineering tasks, including final planning, steel structure production, and installation. When possible, we like to focus on our brand products, but this is not a must. Alternatively, we undertake, with our best product, the engineering, the design of individual components made of steel and concrete, and provide them with or without installation. We are always 100% there for you, even, for instance, if "only" to handle an inquiry about a single mini-column.


In addition to these tasks, we are always occupied with new developments, in order to continue to offer attractive products in the future. To this end, we work in close cooperation with renowned universities through participation in research projects.

With our product-line of pre-stressed, spun-concrete columns, we are breaking new ground and further exploring the areas of pure solid construction.


We are pleased by your visit to our website and interest in our company, buildings, and products. Perhaps we may even accompany you part of the way on one of your construction sites.


Portrait von Stefan Böhling

Your Stefan Böhling
Executive Partner