Post-Tower, Bonn

New construction of the central administration building of the Deutsche Post AG, Bonn.

The tallest building in Germany, outside Frankfurt, is in Bonn!


The seat of the headquarters of the Deutsche Post AG, the Post Tower, is a masterpiece of architectural and engineering construction, with maximum transparency. From the ground floor to the roof, the building is supported by our slender Geilinger-Column®. Moreover, every nine floors is the façade supported by steel edge girders and the forces are introduced eccentrically into the Geilinger-Column®.


Where the supporting forces are greatest, the columns in this building are, of course, the longest. On the ground floor, the skyscraper loads are securely supported by our 15-meter columns, which would remain stable and secure even under severely adverse conditions, such as a fire in the building lasting up to two hours.


Another special engineering challenge, aside from the columns and edge girders, was the structural design of the diagonal crosses, which connect the two high-rise cores together and give the building its necessary stability. Again, of course, this stability would be assured even in a two-hour building fire. There are five pairs of diagonal crosses distributed over the height of the building, meaning that during the construction phase, the challenge of connecting a steel component to two independently climbing concrete cores at a high altitude, while taking into account all tolerances, was undertaken ten times in a row.


The Post Tower was a challenge that our engineers and products gladly met head-on. Immerse yourself in a tower of transparency through these images.